Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Technical Symposium, falcon 2k14, TJS Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, March 08 2014

Fest name: falcon 2k14

Fest type:  Technical Symposium

Organized by: TJS Engineering College

Important dates:
Fest Date – March 08, 2014

Fest details: The vision of falcon is to technical aspect of the student and to raise their power which resides in every individual. Falcon itself is a standing example. This bird can fly 60 miles per hour which is founded to be the fastest in the earth. Similarly, we professionals can reach much more and exbhit our talents in all norms of technology. this would be the exact place for the bulding technocrats to exhibit their talents and it is a stepping stone which may help to discover individuals on ..8th March 2014.

Address & contact details:
TJS Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Email: falcon2k14@gmail.com
Mobile: 9710476166
Website: falcon14.com

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