Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Cultural Festival, Thomso 2014, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttaranchal, October 31 - November 2 2014

Fest name: Thomso 2014

Fest type:  Cultural Fest

Organized by: IIT Roorkee

Important dates:
Fest Date – October 31 - November 2, 2014

Fest details: Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee presents THOMSO’14, our annual youth festival which has also been recognized as the "Annual Youth Festival of Uttarakhand". Regarded as one of the greatest and the grandest youth festivals of India, Thomso encompasses in itself lavish history, splendid culture and a profoundly rich heritage of IIT Roorkee.
This time, in Thomso’14, we gather to celebrate the spirit of life and gaiety. Come. Play with the colours of life, embrace your passion and taste the elixir of freedom because this is the time to break the barriers and escape from bounds. Because this is the time to hear the "Devil's Symphony".

Address & contact details:
IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttaranchal
Mobile: 9897644492


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