Monday, 27 October 2014

National Seminar, Biotechnology Seminar, National Engineering College Kovilpatti, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu, November 13-14 2014

Fest name: Biotechnology Seminar

Fest type: National Seminar

Organized by: National Engineering College Kovilpatti

Important dates:
Fest Date – November 13-14, 2014

Fest details: New Challenges in Bioinformatics and Computing. Big Data in Genomics: Challenges and Solutions. Molecular and bioinformatics techniques.
Functional Genomics - Next Generation
Applications and Technologies.
Application of Data Mining In
Big Data Analysis and Platforms
Biotechnology Seminar Registration Fees :
1. Faculty Members,PG Students Rs. 400/- 2. Participants from R&D and Industry Rs. 750/- Payment by DD drawn in favour of “The Principal, National Engineering College” payable at Kovilpatti along with the registration form.

Address & contact details:
National Engineering College Kovilpatti, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu
Mobile: 9940894402


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