Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Cultural Fest, Utkansh 2015, NIT Jalandhar, Jalandhar, Punjab, March 19-22 2015

Fest name: Utkansh 2015

Fest type: Cultural Fest

Organized by: NIT Jalandhar

Important dates:
Fest Date – March 19-22, 2015

Fest details: The wait is almost over as Engifest'15, the happening Annual Cultural Fest of Delhi Technological University is in touching distance, and we need your help to take the final step!
Stand apart in your college with a chic identity as the CAMPUS PR CO-ORDINATOR for Engifest'15! Join us as the PR Co-ordinator of your college and get the insider's view to the making of all the more energetic, enigmatic Engifest! Hone your management skills and rejoice in the perks we are offering you while experiencing something that's worth showing off.

Address & contact details:
NIT Jalandhar, Jalandhar, Punjab
Mobile: 7307430877, 7589185625


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