Monday, 9 February 2015

National Workshop on Research Methodology and Applications of MATLAB (NWRMAM’15), Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind, Haryana, February 16-21 2015

Fest name: National Workshop on Research Methodology and Applications of MATLAB (NWRMAM’15)

Fest type: National Workshop

Organized by: Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University

Important dates:
Last date for Registration: February 13, 2015
Fest Date: February 16-21, 2015

Fest details: MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. Using MATLAB, one  can  analyse  data,  develop  algorithms,  and  create models and applications.The language tools and built-in math functions enable the users to explore multiple approaches and reach a solution faster than with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages. MATLAB can be used for a range of applications, including signal processing and communications, image and video processing, control systems etc. Computational intelligence is a set of nature-inspired computational methodologies   and   approaches   to   address   complex   real-world problems to which traditional approaches are ineffective or infeasible. The  related  fields  like  Image  Processing,  Neural  Networks,  Fuzzy Logic, Genetic  Algorithms  etc.  have  many  diversified  applications  and problem solving done through MATLAB by researchers all over the world. This workshop will provide an insight into the above mentioned areas, its fundamentals, MATLAB functions, programming for specific applications and research directions by eminent experts in the field

Research Methodology-
Research issues,  Review of Literature,  Framing Research problems, Identifying the right methodology, Experiments and implementations.

Image Processing Tool-
Fundamentals of Image Processing, MATLAB functions, Programming, Developing a simple application, Research Scope and Directions

Neural Networks Tool-
Fundamentals of Neural Networks, MATLAB functions,Pre-defined networks  demo,  Programming,  Developing  a  simple  model  and learning algorithm, Applications, Research Scope and Directions

Bio Informatics Tool-
Introduction to features and function in bio informatics tool box, major examples and applications, Research Scope and Directions

Fuzzy Logic Tool-
Fundamentals  of  Fuzzy  Logic,  MATLAB  functions,  Programming, Developing a  simple  model,  Applications,  Research  Scope  and Directions.

Genetic Algorithms Tool-
Fundamentals  of  Genetic  Algorithms,  MATLAB  functions, Programming, Developing a simple application, Research Scope and Directions.

Registration Details:
No. of seats: 30
Registration Fee: Rs. 2000/-
Eligibility   for   Participation:   Academicians   and   Research
Scholars on First Come First Serve basis. (Registration fee includes Workshop Kit and Lunch)

How to Apply: Fill the registration form and mail it to along with the proof of payment of registration fee. Fee can be paid by DD drawn in favour of Registrar, Ch. Ranbir Singh University, Jind payable at Jind. Electronic transfer is also possible.
Availability of seats can be confirmed on phone or through email.

Address & contact details:
Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind, Haryana
Mobile: 9416787183, 8607045800

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