Monday, 9 February 2015

Technical Fest, Progen 2015, Government College of Engineering, Salem, Tamil Nadu, February 20 2015

Fest name: Progen 2015

Fest type:  National Level Technical Fest

Organized by: Government College of Engineering

Important dates:
Fest Date – February 20, 2015

Fest details: Progen 2015, a National Level Technical Fest organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Salem.
It is a techno cultural fest, which showcases the endowment of Computer Science Engineers in various recent trends and day to day emerging technologies.
The following Events are going to take place during the Festival:
Technical Events-
1. EsploroPresentia(Paper Presentation)
2. Kodas Dexter(Code Debugging)
3. EtikHakkimine(Ethical Hacking)
4. HardvaraErotus(Hardware Assembling)
5. Web Quagmire(Web Designing)
Non-technical events-
1. AdverterenMeluka(Marketing)
2. Quezto Caster(Quiz)
3. SpartaSpel(Gaming)
4. Fast Finger(Typing)
5. Surprise Events
Online Events-
1. FotoGrapfia(Photography)
2. Coupling
3. Director\'s Cut (Short Film)
4. Multimedia Presentation
5. Scavenger Quest (Treasure Hunt)

Address & contact details:
Government College of Engineering, Salem, Tamil Nadu
Mobile: 9940850342

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