Fest name: Abhiyanth 2015
Fest type: A National Wide Techno Management Fest
Organized by: Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge
Technology (RGUKT) - RK VALLEY
Important dates:
Fest Date – March 14-16, 2015
Fest details: ‘Abhiyanth’ is an usher event to showcase
the technical lastingness and expertise, that a competing engineer is
anticipated to possesses. It is a Techno-Management Fest of RGUKT RK Valley
campus in the month of March. This is a national wide fest focused to expose
the future engineers and their role in tomorrow’s world! It exemplifies the
knowledge of students from all the departments and exhibits their technical
brilliance. It will also project the ideas from the students of various
Institutes, encouraging and challenging them in a competitive manner. With a
very specific goal of enlightening the impact we can plunge into the industry;
Abhiyanth is studded up with everything there has to be. This conglomeration
will reaffirm the community that the future lies in the safe hands, the hands
of budding professionals.
Address & contact details:
Rajiv Gandhi
University of Knowledge Technology (RGUKT) - RK VALLEY, Hyderabad, Andhra
Email: convener@abhiyanth.com
Mobile: 8985295415