Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Entrepreneurship Fest, ENTREPRENEURIA 2014, Miranda House, Delhi, March 25-28 2014

Fest name: ENTREPRENEURIA 2014

Fest type:  Entrepreneurship Fest

Organized by: Miranda House, Delhi

Important dates:
Fest Date – March 25-28, 2014

Fest details: Spin the wheel of fortune this March at our Annual Fest, Entrepreneuria!
Lady Luck decided to pack up and the left the Fortune Wheel to us, and we gave it our own spin.
At Enterpreneuria, the globe IS your fortune wheel. Begin the voyage and sail across countries, for fortunes await at every stop you make.
The only paraphernalia you need is a mind full of ideas; passports and visas will be provided for.

Address & contact details:
Miranda House, Delhi
Mobile: 9971165329

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