Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Technical Fest, Techspardha 2014, NIT Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra, Haryana, March 28-31 2014

Fest name: Techspardha 2014

Fest type:  Technical Fest

Organized by: NIT Kurukshetra

Important dates:
Fest Date – March 28-31, 2014

Fest details: The TECHSPARDHA, since its inception in 1994, has grown to become one of the biggest technical festivals of India, inviting participants from all over the country. The fest serves as a wonderful platform for the savviest minds of the country to showcase their ideas. TECHSPARDHA brings four days of brain tickling and adrenaline pumping amalgamation of various events from the engineering and technology domains of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering, as well as, events encouraging aptitude and management sciences. To name a few events like Vidhwaan (power system model), Junkyard Wars (machines form junk), RoboWars (war between robots), Excalibur (software development), Prayatan (social entrepreneurship), etc. attract the most innovative and pragmatic ideas.

Address & contact details:
NIT Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra, Haryana
Mobile: 9996083399

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