Fest name: 4th National Seminar on “Environment and Ecology: Contemporary Issues, Challenges and Future Perspective”, November 29, 2014
Fest type: National Seminar
Organized by: Geeta Institute of Law
Important dates:
Fest Date – November 29, 2014
Fest details: 4th National Seminar on “Environment and Ecology: Contemporary Issues, Challenges and Future Perspective”, November 29th, 2014. The selected papers presented in the Seminar would get the opportunity to be published in a volume of our Institution’s “Journal of Global Research & Analysis” with an ISSN No.
Address & contact details:
Geeta Institute of Law, G.T.Road, Village Karhans, Samalkha, Panipat, Haryana
Email: seminargil2014@geeta.edu.in
Mobile: 9466406535, 8397056632
Website: http://geetalawcollege.in
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