Fest name: Youth Vibe 2014
Fest type: Youth Festival
Organized by: Lovely Professional University
Important dates:
Fest Date – November 11-15, 2014
Fest details: Youth Vibe is the Annual Global Youth Fest of Lovely Professional University.Youth Vibe 2014 Here actions are louder,words are bold,voices are melodies and pen!Well it was always mightier than the sword.
Its high time to enter the funfair of most awaited awe strucking event of the year, Youth Vibe, exclusively by Vertos. This great Carnival,
an amalgam of technology and fun is on its way and marks its whooping entry on 11th November.You will have it all to your choice,be it riddles
of Tech nology or subtlety of unmatched creativity.It doesn’t depend on what taste you want to test because we are ready to serve you the
concoction of the best.
Youth Vibe 2014 will be a Roller Coaster ride from resonant,arguementative Debates to the sweet melodious solo performances,from hard core rock
shows to vigorous cricket matches,from moves of a dancer to buzzer of a quizzer,from innovative picopter to intelligently planned business
strategy,from angle of a photographer to expressions of an actor,from gala star night to global summit of social challenges,from classy autos of Vintage era to fast and furious next generation sporties.All these infusion with unmatched aura of Science and Technology will amuse your nerves.
In this fest following events will be organized -
rock band shows
Fashion shows
Address & contact details:
Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab
Mobile: 9646056969, 8437173896
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