Fest name: TechNidarshan 2014
Fest type: Technical Festival
Organized by: NMAM Institute of Technology NITTE
Important dates:
Fest Date – November 1-3, 2014
Fest details: In this fest following events will be organized -
General events
1. Carve a niche
2. Tech- tainment
3. Tech saga
4. Sher- locked
5. Thinking cap
7. Un Google
8. Technocrat
9. Time laps
10. Tech- eshi's castle
11. Tech juggling
13. Can you fix it
14. Sci fi writing
15. Know Ur computer
16. Dexters laboratory
1. www
2. Code studio
Design and build
1. Drafting 2d
2. Creative touch
3. Set it on ground
4. Enigma
5. CADD mania
6. Contraptions
7. Fiery birds
1. IT quiz
2. Auto quiz
1. Burn and run
2. Digital fortress
3. Linkin part
Paper presentation
1. Terabyte
2. Symposium
3. Papyrus
4. Ece & eee
5. Bio technology
1. Digital assault
Tech bits
1. Paintball
2. Auto expo
1. Robothon
2. Suryasparsham
3. Cardomania
4. Mystify
5. The grid
6. Twistease
7. Tech roadies
8. Speed cubing
Mega treasure hunt
1. Despicable me
2. R u ready for the hunt
3. Huntenna
4. Adrenaline rush
5. Zestified
6. Race to the junkyard
7.game of clues
1. Bridge design - Civil Simplified
2. PCB design
3. Solar boats - green labs
Address & contact details:
NMAM Institute of Technology NITTE, Mangalore, Karnataka
Mobile: 9620830315, 8904742124
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