Thursday, 9 October 2014

International Symposium, Shaastra 2015, IIT Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, January 3-6 2015

Fest name: Shaastra 2015

Fest type:  International Symposium

Organized by: IIT Madras

Important dates:
Fest Date – January 3-6, 2015

Fest details: Welcome to the IIT Madras International Symposium on Healthcare! The 4 day extravaganza set to change your perceptions and broaden your horizons from the 3rd to 6th of January 2015.

The theme for this year's symposium is "Healthcare". Under this broad umbrella topic, we would be discussing the influence technology and big data have on healthcare, the policy changes India would need to implement in order to improve the healthcare scenario and the large widening disparity that exists in the healthcare industry today.
Participants of the IITM International Symposium would get to meet some of the biggest names in Health Technology and Health Policy from all around the world. In addition to the huge cultural exchange between the international and Indian students and the tremendous learning curve made possible due to a diverse set of participants, the IITM Symposium promises to be a great experience for all!

Address & contact details:
IIT Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Mobile: 9677152600, 9487917918


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